Storm is Coming

Governor Brown’s recently released budget shows that he is serious about bringing systematic change to California’s flailing financial system.  Even though the recent perks and positions he has eliminated pale compared to the larger financial storm that needs to be addressed – he is setting the tone for austerity.

If Meg Whitman had offered the same proposals, legislators would have already torn them to pieces.

The leadership in Sacramento knows that painful cuts must be made, or Californians will never vote to extend the higher tax rates.  It has taken this economic crisis for them to finally see that the pockets of businesses and employed Californians aren’t as deep as they had hoped.

So now the lobbyists step up their activity and earn their retainers.  There may be fewer golf games on Fridays, and slimmer expense accounts.  They will need to be creative and show support for their cause, beyond their client.

Capitol Social will be watching and reporting on  successful uses of internet advocacy.  We expect to see some creativity coming from the Capitol’s 3rd house.

To learn about apps and customized internet solutions provided by Capitol Social, visit the Social Media for Political Campaigns page on this site.

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